Friday, February 02, 2007

Creationism comes in many flavors

Creationism comes in many flavors. There are creationists which claim that the Earth is flat, while others believe it is round. Some of them think the Earth is in the middle of the universe, and some of them know better. There are some who claim the Earth is younger than ten millenniums, others accept the fact that it is 4.6 billion years old. Some of them even accept common descent! But all of them know that evolution is false. How do they know? Because their interpretation of the Bible suggests that to them, and if it were true, they would have to actually look at the world and try to understand it, and look at the Bible, and reinterpret it accordingly. And that is way too much work. They would rather keep making things up, and pretending not to notice they are in deep disagreement amongst themselves.



At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jordi,
Quite true, but one thing they all have in common – they all believe that the Bible is “Gods Word”, either literal or “inspired by” God. Once they understand how the scriptures as we know them came to be, they might think for themselves, but for the most part they all are pretty content in their beliefs and have no desire to……
(sinister music)
“follow Satan”.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Jordi said...

Thanks, Chocomel, for your comment. You're completely right. What I can't understand is their desire to negate reality. Not much ago, humanity invented the scientific method, and since then, we've made amazing progress. The lives of each of us are absolutely dependant on discoveries made by scientists, and yet, the moment creationists feel science conflicts with their pretended literal interpretation of the Bible, they decide it's all the works of Satan. That's, of course, just the parts they don't like. It's a very interesting case of cognitive dissonance.

At 4:07 AM, Blogger Silveri Garrell said...

T'hi manca un traductor automàtic anglés-Catala, o Anglés-Castellà, el la web de la Generalitat GENCAT els trobarás gratis. Salutacions cordials.


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