How to disprove evolution
Creationists that aim to disprove evolution should realize that they have a daunting task in front. Evidence for evolution continues to pour from not only fields related to biology such as genetics or taxonomy, but also chemistry, physics, or even mathematics.
Are you a bible literalist? Even if you could disprove evolution, your bible would not be safe. In order to hold your bible as true you would still need to disprove major discoveries in geology or astronomy, such as the fact that the Universe is billions of years old, and so is the Earth. Or that the Earth is round and is not the center of the Solar system. Oh, you actually accept these last two statements? If so, on what grounds? Why are you willing to do interpretive contortions of the bible in these cases, but not with the age of the Earth, or evolution? Oh, I forgot. There is that big problem of us sharing ancestry with monkeys, worms, and everything else, and accepting that would be terrible for your self-esteem. Well, grow up and deal with reality! Your denial of proven facts makes your God look ridiculous.
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