Our Cousins the Monkeys

Why are creationists so concerned about humans being related to the rest of the apes? What is so wrong about having a common ancestor with them? Well, the real problem is not so much of having to work out an interpretation of the Bible that does not conflict with it. After all, every Christian out there who reads the Bible, except maybe for Fred Phelps and his kind, which is destined for extinction, is willing to explain away passages that clearly favor tortured morality, infanticide, whatever, or obviously wrong facts, such as the Earth being on top of four columns.
The real problem creationists have with a common ancestor is that they think it makes us humankind less special than they wish it were. Well, wake up, face it! You are not granted being special. You will have to put some effort on it. I think having the opportunity of consciousness, and being able to set our own goals for our life is pretty special anyway. Monkeys are our Cousins. So what?